Respite care

What is Respite Care?

Respite care can be anything from an evening, a weekend a few weeks or even a few months on some occasions.

Some respite may be required in an emergency whilst other respite placements will be planned, you may care for the same child or a variety of children depending on your availability.

Although the placements are short, respite fostering is vital in offering stability to foster placements be that for a holiday or a need for the whole fostering household to have an emotional reset.

The children on respite with you will be known to Blue Sky and therefore you will be provided with relevant information about the child to allow you to best support the child for their time with you.

Read our interview about Respite Care

We speak to foster carer Fi who shares her experience as a respite carer - or as she prefers to describe it - someone who arranges 'mini-holidays'


Questions to ask yourself:

What’s your availability?

Could you provide respite support for: Regular respite, weekends, weekdays, school holidays or for longer periods for young people between placement searches?

Suited for:

Those who are not able to commit to fostering full-time but are happy to open their home to children for short periods.

We are looking for carers who can connect and build relationships with children quickly, who are nurturing and can provide a warm and welcoming environment, providing consistent care in line with the needs of the child.

Ready to talk about fostering?

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Group 2131