Fostering Siblings

There is a need for more families that can foster siblings. Can you help us keep young family members together during their time in care?

When a young person comes into foster care, it can be a challenging time, made worse by being isolated from their siblings. 

The need for foster carers for sibling groups is rising rapidly. In some instances of shared family trauma, it can be in the sibling's best interest for them to live apart whilst still maintaining contact. However, it's in most siblings' best interests to be placed together to maintain their emotional and physical well-being. Siblings can be forced to separate due to the lack of foster care places available. You can keep them together, with Blue Sky Fostering supporting you every step of the way, giving you the additional support and care to succeed.

Michelle Still

Listen to Michelle's Story

Michelle and her husband have been fostering with Blue Sky for over 10 years. They have fostered many children and young people during that time, including - for the last 7 years - a young person who is now at University.

More recently they began fostering two sibling boys. Michelle shares her insights about fostering siblings so far:

'More important than room in your house, is room in your heart'

Keeping siblings together, where appropriate, is everyone’s goal, and looking after a ‘ready-made’ family is as rewarding as it is challenging. However, two or more young people coming into your life, changing your life as you change theirs, can be very special, and the rewards are multiplied! 

Imagine all the rewards of fostering one child and then multiplying them!Ellen, Blue Sky foster carer 

Ready to talk about fostering?

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